There are many things which we consider evil and dangerous. There is, of course, Count Dracula, Darth Vader, the shark in Jaws, and The Wicked Witch of the West. But even more evil and dangerous - Sugar and Carbohydrates! According to Harvard University, "The effects...
Weight Loss
Is the Paleo Diet the Right Diet for You?
In a world dominated by processed foods and fast meals, the Paleo diet stands out by promoting a return to the apparent eating habits of our Paleolithic ancestors. Also known as the "caveman diet," the Paleo diet emphasizes whole foods that our hunter-gatherer...
Exploring Low Carb Diets: Benefits and Challenges
Low carb diets have gained significant popularity over the years, with many people turning to them for weight loss, improved health, and better management of certain medical conditions. At Real Health Products we have often recommended a low carb diet to help with...
June is National Candy Month – Time to Celebrate!
As if you needed another reason to eat candy. But as long as you’ve got to celebrate, we thought we’d try and make it a bit healthier for you. Here are some sugar-free candy suggestions…
Using the Paleo Diet to Reduce Carbs
First, what is this Paleo Diet? “Paleo” stands for “Paleolithic,” referring to the time in human development up until 10,000 years ago or so. Diets were simpler and only contained what could be obtained from nature and animals. At this time, long before WalMart, fast...