Glossary of Terms
nephropathy – A failure of the kidneys.
nerve – A group of long thin specialized cells that carry sensations, information or instructions throughout the body.
neuron – A nerve cell.
neuropathy – 1. A type of nerve damage. It is a condition where the lining around the nerves has become damaged and is now exposing the nerve. The person will feel different uncomfortable sensations like: Pain, numbness, heat, cold, stinging, and pins and needles.
neurotransmitter – A substance that transmits nerve signals from one nerve cell to another.
niacin – also called Vitamin B3 – A water-soluble vitamin found in meat, eggs, milk and certain vegetables. It is necessary for proper central nervous system function, creation of energy in the body and the removal of toxic substances from the body.
niacinamide – A vitamin that is made from niacin. It acts in the body like niacin but doesn’t cause the body to have the flush or itching reactions associated with niacin.
nitricum acidum – Comes from nitric acid and reduces cravings for starches like breads and pasta.
NSAIDs – Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are medicines that are widely used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and bring down a high temperature. They’re often used to relieve symptoms of headaches, painful periods, sprains and strains, colds and flu, arthritis, and other causes of long-term pain. Side effects depend on the specific drug but largely include an increased risk of gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeds, liver damage, heart attack, and kidney disease.
nutrient – A substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life.
nux vomica – Extract from a nut that discourages general overeating.
opthamology – The area of medicine that deals with the eye and the things that can be wrong with the eye.
oral hypoglycemic agents – Medications commonly given by doctors to forcibly lower a person’s blood sugar levels.
organ – a part of an organism that is typically self-contained and has a specific vital function, such as the heart or liver in humans..
organic – 1. Made by a living thing.
2. Food or products raised or made without the use of any unnatural or man-made chemicals.
orinase – Brand name for Tolbutamide, One of a class of drugs (sulfonylureas) that are given by doctors that force the pancreas to create more insulin than it would naturally be able to create.
osteoporosis – A disease that causes the bones to weaken and become easily broken.
P.A.B.A. – (PABA – 4-Amino Benzoic Acid) An abbreviation for a substance that is used by bacteria in the intestines to create folic acid. It is also useful as a nutrient itself for the creation of red blood cells and to improve the use of protein in the body.
palliative – Treating only the symptoms of a disease, relieving pain and symptoms without providing a cure.
pancreas – An organ in the body that produces hormones as well different substances that help digest food so that the body can use the nutrients from the food.
pantothenic acid – (Vitamin B5) – A water-soluble vitamin found in meat, nuts, liver, whole grains, egg yolk and green vegetables. It is vital for making cholesterol, red blood cells and certain brain chemicals. The body also uses it in turning fats and carbohydrates into energy.
parasthesia – A sensation of tingling, pricking, or numbness of a person’s skin. These sensations may come and go or may be going on all the time depending on the cause. This type of symptom is usually associated with neuropathy. Many drug companies will list this as a side effect of their drug instead of saying their drug causes neuropathy.
pectin – Fiber that can be dissolved in liquid. It is also used as a thickener for making jam.
peripheral – Referring to the outer parts of the body such as the arms or feet.
permeable – Allowing liquids or particles to pass through.
PH – An abbreviation for a scale that measures different substances based on how they react to other chemicals.
It basically monitors the presence of two different types of molecules.
One type could be called the “acid” type of molecule. The other would be called the “alkaline” type of molecule.
If there are more of the acid molecules or the acid molecules in a substance are stronger than the alkaline molecules then the substance is considered acid.
If there are more of the alkaline molecules or the alkaline molecules are stronger than the acid molecules then the substance is considered alkaline.
An acid steals certain atoms or molecules from a substance, which causes the substance to break down.
An alkaline forces certain atoms or molecules into a substance, which can make it unstable so it breaks down.
A very strong alkaline material with a very high level on this scale will cause skin burns and break down materials in a way that to the human eye looks very much like what an acid does.
What makes them opposite to each other is that when you take an acid molecule and an alkaline molecule and put them close to each other, they combine and neutralize each other. If you have an equal amount of acid and alkaline in a substance, the substance will be neutral and the acid or alkaline molecules will not react to other chemicals.
An example of this is when you take Baking soda (Alkaline) and Vinegar (Acid) and combine them, they fizz (chemical reaction) and what you have left is neutral and is no longer acid or alkaline.
The scale ranges from 0 to 14. 7 is considered neutral The lower a material is on the scale, the more acidic it is. The higher the number on the scale, the more alkaline it is.
pharmaceutical – Dealing with drugs or their production.
phaseolus vulgaris – The Latin term for White Kidney Bean.
phosphorus – 1. A vital mineral needed by the body. Teeth and bone contain phosphorus. It is very abundant in nature and can be found in dairy product, meat, fish, eggs, grains and green leafy vegetables. Many of the B vitamins can only be used by the body when phosphorus is available. It is also used by the body to maintain the pH level in the body and is used in many different chemical reactions.
2. An extract from phosphorus that fights chocolate cravings.
phyto-Insulin – A substance that is produced in a plant that acts like insulin when taken into the body.
pitika root – Large climbing plant found throughout forests in India. It contains many substances that are considered to help the Diabetic condition.
plaque – Substance that has built up on the surface of something such as a tooth, the inside wall of an artery or on the skin.
plasma glucose – blood sugar – The amount of sugar in the form of glucose in the blood.
Pregabalen – (generic name of Lyrica) – originally FDA approved as an anti-epileptic drug, also called an anticonvulsant. It works by slowing down impulses in the brain that cause seizures. Pregabalin also affects chemicals in the brain that send pain signals across the nervous system. Lyrica is used to treat pain caused by fibromyalgia, or nerve pain in people with diabetes (diabetic neuropathy), herpes zoster (post-herpetic neuralgia), or spinal cord injury.
Some of the side effects of Lyrica are dizziness, somnolence, dry mouth, edema, blurred vision, weight gain, and difficulty with concentration/attention, neuropathy, vertigo, incoordination, tremor, abnormal gait, headache, speech disorder, and twitching.
protein – One of the many substances found in food such as meat, cheese, fish or eggs, that is necessary for the body to grow and be strong. They are essential to the structure of all living cells. It makes up one of the 3 major classes of food.
pterocarpus marsupium – The Latin term for Indian Kino.
pterostilbene – The active part of Indian Kino that helps repair the cells of the pancreas that make Insulin.
reaction – 1. A change in the appearance, feeling or function of the body as a response to something. It can be a material the body is allergic to, or a poison, or a substance that creates a known effect on the body like menthol that can have a cooling effect on the skin.
2. The process of chemicals, molecules or atoms changing or combining into different forms.
retina – The area at the back of the eye that receives light and translates the light into nerve signals.
retinopathy – A condition involving damage to the blood vessels of the retina that can cause loss of sight or even total blindness.
rhus toxicodendron – Extract from green plants that combats milk and dairy cravings.
riboflavin – also called Vitamin B2 – A water-soluble vitamin that is found in animal meat, dairy products and green leafy vegetables. It is necessary for the break down of fat, helps the body use iron, boosts the immune system and allows the eye to adjust to different amounts of light.
RN – (R.N.) Abbreviation for Registered Nurse.
saccharum – A type of sugar that reduces sugar cravings.
salacia reticulate – Latin term for Pitika Root.
salmonella – A type of bacteria that can cause food poisoning.
Salt —1. A white crystal used in food to add flavor.
2. Any crystal that is formed by combining an acid and an alkaline material.
selenium – A mineral that is needed in small amounts by the body for many chemical processes. It plays a role in the immune system and preventing damage to the cells by toxins in the body. It works together with Vitamin E to do many of its functions.
side effect – [In Medicine] An unwanted, harmful, or uncomfortable effect that is created by a drug or other type of procedure or action on the body such as chemotherapy or surgery.
silicon – A mineral found in Whole grain, alfalfa, green leafy vegetables and roots. It strengthens the link between certain tissues of the body giving them more strength and can stop the effects of aluminum on the body.
silver sulfadiazine – An antibacterial cream that is used for burns to keep the area from getting infected.
simple sugar – A basic sugar unit that can’t be broken down into a more basic sugar. Glucose is an example of a simple sugar.
smooth muscle tissue – Muscle cells that are flat or round instead of in long strings like normal muscle. This type of muscle is used for lining, such as in blood vessels, or for other purposes such as the iris of the eye or the bladder.
sodium ascorbate – A chemical form of Vitamin C.
soluble fiber – This fiber comes from some fruits and vegetables. They slow down the passage of waste in the digestive tract which is believed to help control cholesterol and sugar levels in the blood by slowing down the rate that they are absorbed into the body. They become gummy and at least partially dissolve in water.
sorbitol – A sweet white crystal that comes from plant alcohol. It is made from certain berries or made chemically in a laboratory. It is used as a sweetener in foods.
starch – A complex sugar that is white in color and exists, in large amounts, in potatoes and certain grains such as rice.
statin – (Statin drug) A drug that is given by doctors for the purpose of lowering cholesterol. It does this by stopping the body’s ability to create cholesterol.
stroke – A sudden block or break in a blood vessel in the brain that causes serious damage to the brain and can result in: loss of consciousness, partial loss of movement, loss of speech, loss of sensation or death.
If there is partial loss of movement or sensation, it usually occurs on one side of the body.
The side of the body that loses ability to move or feel is determined by which side of the brain the break or block of the blood vessel occurred in. If the left side of the brain has the damage, then the right side of the body will be reduced in ability because the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body.
strontium – A mineral that can be found in grains, leafy vegetables, spices and roots that can influence the body by making it create more bone tissue. This has the result of strengthening bones and making them more dense.
sugar – 1. [Basic function] A molecule that is used in the chemical processes in a cell to provide energy for that cell or other cells of the body.
2. [Common usage] Any of the many forms of sugar whether simple or complex.
sulfa drug – A common name for any drug that starts with the prefix sulfa. These drugs usually contain a specific molecule as part of their chemical structure. Most drugs with this label are antibiotics. They are not widely used today because many people are allergic to them and most bacteria are resistant to them.
sulfonylureas – A class of drugs that are given by doctors that force the pancreas to create more insulin than it would naturally be able to create.
sulphur sublimatum – Comes from sulfur and fights cravings for anything sweet.
symptom – 1. A feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease.
Nausea can be a symptom of food poisoning. The symptoms he showed were: tiredness, irritability and nervousness.
2. Any single problem that is caused by and shows a more serious and general problem.
systolic blood pressure – measurement of the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats.