What is so special about vitamin C from Camu Camu?
Camu camu is one of the highest known sources of natural vitamin C. Research indicates camu camu contains up to 56 times more vitamin C than a lemon and 50 times more vitamin C than an orange.
RHP Vitamin C contains only camu camu extract, a real food source of vitamin C, that is highly bioavailable because it literally is a food!
It is vitamin C in a whole food extract which contains bioflavonoids, protein and all the other food factors that enables the body to absorb, retain and utilize this vitamin C much more efficiently.
Camu Camu Benefits:
Most Camu Camu sold on the market today is sold as camu camu powder in bags, or in capsules or tablets. 20 percent of camu camu powder is actual vitamin C.
If you have 500 mg of camu camu powder in a capsule – you are only getting 100 mg of Vitamin C.
If there are 60 capsules in a bottle, then the total amount of Vitamin C you would get in that bottle is 6,000 mg.
Each of our camu camu vitamin C tablets contains 200 mg of actual vitamin C. Each tablet contains 1,000mg of camu camu extract powder.
Our bottle has 120 tablets. The total amount of vitamin C you get in our bottle is 24,000 mg.
If we kept the price in line with what other companies are charging on the market – the RHP Vitamin C from Camu Camu should cost $72.00 a bottle! Vitamin C from Camu Camu is ONLY $32.20 a bottle. Get your bottle today and save $39.80 today!
So hurry up and get your Vitamin C from Camu Camu while this price is available to you!
Why do we need to take Vitamin C supplements?
As a place to start, there are only 3 mammals on planet earth whose bodies do not manufacture the Vitamin C they need. These are the guinea pig, the rhesus monkey, and humans.
The way all three must get the Vitamin C they need is through what they eat and supplementing.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant. It is needed for tissue growth and repair, adrenal gland functions, healthy gums, skin and blood. It also aids in the production of anti-stress hormones, metabolism, protection against harmful effects of pollution, infection and most notably, enhances the immune system.
Without it you can bruise easily, have wounds that don’t heal, gum problems and aching joints.
Colds and Flus – Vital Information!
There is a lot of attention on colds, flus and illness. It’s all over the news and media.
NOW is the time to start building up your body’s defenses and nutritionally enhancing your immune system.
One of the best ways to do this is by taking extra vitamin C every day.
Here is what one doctor had to say about vitamin C:
“The position with vitamin C and the common cold is becoming clear.
“Frequent, large nutritional doses can reduce the incidence of colds, their severity and duration.
“Once a cold has taken hold, treatment is much more demanding.”
Excerpted from ASCORBATE The Science of Vitamin C
by Dr. Steve Hickey & Dr. Hillary Roberts
Supplement Facts
More About Vitamin C – Ascorbic Acid
Most of the supplements you find in health-food shops, drug stores and supermarkets contain vitamins that are man-made chemicals and minerals that are just ground up rocks or mineral salts.
These man-made vitamins and minerals are often labeled “Pharmaceutical Grade” or “USP” (United States Pharmacopeia).
The U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) is a scientific nonprofit organization that sets standards for the identity, strength, quality, and purity of medicines, food ingredients, and dietary supplements manufactured, distributed and consumed worldwide.
For example, most of the Vitamin C sold in the US is ascorbic acid by itself.
Ascorbic acid can be found in an orange, tomato or broccoli, or any fresh fruit or vegetable.
Ascorbic acid is manufactured in chemical plants by adding chemicals to glucose (sugar), applying heat and pressure, which converts the glucose to ascorbic acid.
Ascorbic acid, being a more of a chemical, isn’t easily absorbed or utilized the way food is, and can often upset the stomach and digestive tract because it is an acid.
Some companies will combine ascorbic acid with other chemicals to buffer it (make it less acid). These buffered versions are the sodium ascorbate or calcium ascorbate forms of ascorbic acid.
A More Bioavailable Vitamin C
RHP® Vitamin C contains only camu camu extract, a real food source of vitamin C, that is highly bioavailable because it literally is a food!
It is vitamin C in a whole food extract which contains bioflavonoids, protein and all the other food factors that enables the body to absorb, retain and utilize this vitamin C much more efficiently.
RHP® Vitamin C will not upset the stomach and digestive tract. You can even take it on an empty stomach.
RHP® Vitamin C is now available for you and your family.